Preliminary 2ch listening tests with fabric wall indicate if 2ch sound is important to you, a fabric wall isn't going to do you any favours. The wall is high quality speaker fabric from parts express. I'm not sure if it's the best you can buy, but it's priced that way! Lol.

Anyway, the effect is the phantom image is now not as tightly focused and liveley, like a singer on a stool. Now it sounds more like a recording. The image went from a tight surreal object, to an oblong blur. It still sounds good, but I'm already thinking of ways to unmake the screen wall and replace it so the side panels are behind the main channels. Or, and this is totally crazy, I have to start using the center channel as a fixed phantom, and listen to stereo with multichannel processing. Could be interestng. Jury is out and it hasn't even been a week.

A screen wall should be used knowing HT use is the priority.