Nick I have rented far too many movies where I was screwed by the leading actor appearing strictly in a cameo. To me the whole cast was a bunch of hacks. I am being forced to live in the past. Sadly my heroes are getting too old and or dying.

Most times I watch a sequel I try to watch the previous movie for context and a refresher. Honestly deviating the cast for Ghostbusters was a huge mistake. They could have had a few from the old cast and then introduce a few new members to carry the story line forward. But that's just my opinion. I mean really , having Axle Rose singling for ACDC is not ACDC anymore than Sammy Hagar singling for Van Halen is really Van Halen,more like Van Hagar or something. David Lee Roth was Van Halen, even though Eddie and Alex could play guitar and drum it was still all David Lee. And the Ghostbusters was Bill Murray et el. Just a cash grab by the film industry. Rant over

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry