Thanks gearcruncher. I found a couple of Android apps that may do the trick ... but they require a rooted phone.

I believe Microsoft Edge on Win 10 can cast on DLNA, haven't tried it yet.

On a different note, I also found that the convenient way to connect to the unit (http://axiomair.local/) does not work on a Chromebook connected to the home wifi. Michelangelo, pls let me know if that convenient URL is supported on a Chromebook, thanks!

Finally, from a design standpoint, it may alleviate the issue of extracting the LAN cable from the enclosure, if it were turned 90 degrees to the right or left. Currently, I have to take a credit card, depress the little flap, and yank out the cable (always a concern to avoid damaging the new unit).

Axiom M80Ti, VP150, M3 on walls X 4, M3 ceiling X4, HSU VTF-3 MK3