My money went to savings, too. I want to retire comfortably, send my kids to college, etc. I can put off having all the crap I want until later -- or indefinitely. Stuff is nice, but stuff is just things.

BigWill, I don't hink of myself as poor. It's not the fact that rich people have money that get to me. As a matter of fact, I don't care a whole lot about most rich people. It's the super-uber-filthy rich that I worry about, because they use their wealth to influence. They play by different rules than you and I. And it's this great country that enabled them to amass their great wealth, but they want to give back as little as possible. (I realize they pay a ton more in taxes than you and I, but we're talking percentages here, not totals.)

I have nothing against capitalism as long as it's responsible and forward-looking.