Unfortunately, today is an extremely busy day for me at work - so I may not be able to get around to all y'all, but I'm sure as hell gonna try.

pmb, you're not disputing that Kerry has used specific events related to the war to criticize Bush, without regard to the effects such criticism has had on the war effort or the security of our troops, but you assert that I cannot deem such tactics unAmerican? Would "unpatriotic" be better? "disingenuous"? "counter-productive"? You pick the word, but Kerry's words and actions do not support his fellow Americans.

Whatever the Bush campaign did to unfairly smear McCain (my choice for Pres in the 2000 primary, btw ) may qualify as low, cheap, dirty, etc..., but it is not in the same league with what the Kerry campaign and leftist analysts have done regarding the war. If Bush & Co wanted to use the Iraq war like the Kerry campaign, they could. How about this:

Yesterday's carbombing that killed 8-9 US Marines (our fellow Americans) was a direct result of Kerry embracing the IAEA story regarding the missing 377 tons of explosives. Kerry ran a 30 second spot slamming Bush over the missing explosives and the next day insurgents detonated a truly massive carbomb far beyond the scale of previous carbombs. Clearly the intent was to help substantiate Kerry's attacks on Bush. If Kerry (and his lackeys in the media) hadn't politicized the missing explosives, the bombing would not have happened and our boys would be alive at this moment. I don't have any facts to support this theory, but a lack of factual evidence hasn't seemed to stop the Kerry campaign from making similar accusations against Bush.