I may be paranoid, but that doesn't change the facts.

Let me preface this with the statement that I don't think md55 is a communist. But, I am going to use a couple of statements from his above post to indicate how Marxist thinking has become dominant in Europe (perhaps one of the reasons why many people in Europe have been swayed by their media to dislike US policy/Bush) and also increasingly affects the US political climate.

"...the problems with the huge impoverished Muslim minority their colonialism has brought them."

Imperialist agressors. Exploiters of the poor and the 3rd World. Rigid class divisions based on wealth and race. Pure Marx.

"I believe that the core belief we held, that totalitarian communism was fundamentally unsound and unsustainable was correct."

True, true, but you seem to be making a distinction between "totalitarian communism" and some other form of communism. Do you believe, as Marxist scholars do, that "true communism" will still be achieved - not in backwards countries like Russia and China, but in industrialized countries like the US, Canada, France, or Britain?

Totalitarian communism is "...fundamentally unsound and unsustainable", but not wrong? Just in need of some tweaking?