And for clarification, By IDIOT I am referring to ANYONE who looks at a report and says "Wow, look at what THIS guys says about what we are doing in our _____________ ... (fill in blank)" ... And people will then grasp a hold of it and think it is now fact.

There was an article yesterday .... Headline "US Inspector Says No WMD's in IRAQ" ... the two main points of the article...

1. That they did not find stockpiles. Well, Every ounce of Anthrax, Mustard Gas... ALL of Iraq's WMD's that WERE there in 1991 would fit into a high school gymnasium. The UN used that for a size reference. Iraq is the size of California, with over 1/2 being desert... HOW hard would it be to hide that small amount of materials...

2. They DID find labs lying dormant waiting for the WEST to lose interest, so Iraq could resume building its biological and Chemical stockpiles without scrutiny. NOTE the HEADLINE ignored the most important FACT about IRAQ...

The UN's resolutions called for the destruction of BOTH the current capacity (important) AND all the equipment to produce MORE stockpiles of WMD's - even MORE important.

One item Mr. Ridge DID point out (and one our so-called "media" gleefully ignores) is that chemical weapons have a "shelf Life" ... and NEED to be replaced quite often. HAVING the facilities remaining viable was a FAR GREATER threat than the stockpiles.

Here is a question for anyone to try... What was the method used to make US Chemical Weapons, and why was this important ?