Definition of marriage: "The legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife." This is from the American Heritage Dictionary. The same dictionary may also be forced to add: " A union between two persons having the customary but usually not the legal force of marriage: a same sex marriage". This can be looked up, and American Dictionary just reacts to what they are "told" things mean. For those who are not paying attention, I will be blunt. "THERE IS NO DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE TODAY THAT INCLUDES SAME-SEX MARRIAGE... PERIOD".

The irony, to me, is marriage was always a religious-based institution from which governments (recently, in the overall scheme of things) decided THEY should profit. So they started Charging a fee to issue marriage licenses.

To all those demanding a separation of church and state, the government has no business being NEAR marriage. But, the government IS involved in marriage as a profitable business.

AdamP88, I agree that comparing Gay Marriage to Car Jacking is not a "fair" comparison. But I disagree with the assertion that it will not affect other's rights.

For example, as a business owner, I provide, to the spouse/children of employees, health insurance. Under the concept of Gay Marriage, I would be forced, by law, to pay for "His Husband's" health insurance. Note the word FORCED, that is an infringement on my rights TO RUN MY BUSINESS. And anyone will be able, under gay marriage, to head to the local magistrate, get married, and show up at my door with a demand that I add his "new husband" to "his" benefits package.

Should my state adopt "same sex" marriage, I would immediately eliminate all employee benefit programs. Not because I have a problem with the so called "gay lifestyle", but because I know what the outcome would be: I, and many other small business owners, would be placed in a position of paying for more scams than you can imagine.

The cost to the Social Security system would be enormous, as surviving SPOUSES receive benefits based on the earnings of the deceased spouse. There are other examples... but enough for now.

NOW ... Let us look at the current laws which DO affect my rights...

An employer can be sued for firing someone. It is called discrimination, but there is no "right" to have a job, so nobody's "rights" were eliminated. Since someone else was hired to take the fired person's place, the net effect on society is NIL... SO, based on the assertion that my hiring decisions do NOT infringe on anybody's "rights", There should be NO discrimination laws in the US.

I know several have already agreed with this, but for a reminder, drug use and prostitution should be legal. And ALL drug use, not just "naturally grown" drugs... afterall, noone's "rights" are being eliminated here, either, by someone smoking "crack"

Public Nudity laws also have to go... while peeing on property is trespassing, walking the streets naked is not.

If we are going to base legal decisions on "whether or not something infringes on someone else's rights" ... there will be a LOT of laws tossed out.