PM - I need to know about the reference you are making about discarding registrations. If you are talking about the purging of Florida voters because of efforts to stop convicted felons from voting, you need to check your facts. What Moore didn't tell you is that the voting official were aware of the problems this purge list created, so they ignored it completely and allowed them to vote. Also, what he doesn't tell you is that them doing so actually allowed convicted felons to vote when they were not supposed to be able to vote. Who do you think they voted for that year?.....It's all distortion. If anything, that whole scandal probably helped Gore, not hurt him.

I am surprised that no one piped in on this issue of the Democrats misleading the voters purposely. I'm sure this has happened before, but these guys just got caught with their pants down.

Jorge - I think that your comments about Drudge are completely unfounded. Have you ever actually gone to his site? Everything there is comprised of links to valid sources. If the sources are not available yet, he will say "Developing" and then follow w/ a link once he has it. These are not his opinions he is posting. Also, you may want to bash him, but it's a bit arrogant considering how many stories are broken via his site. If memory serves, he was the first one to break the Clinton scandal. You may not like the fact that he is not your usual liberal-slanted source, but it's pretty much ignorant to compare him to the Enquirer.

Spiff - As far as the first story goes, I really don't make it a habit to get news via BLOGs, so I'm not going to comment on that. The second story really doesn't cause me any heartburn. These guys are terrorists that do not qualify for the protections of the Geneva convention. So, if the CIA wants to put the screws to them to obtain the information necessary to protect our soldiers, our country, and even the world, I say have at 'em. As a society, we have gotten so weak when it comes to "the spy game". In this environment, we need now more than ever to have the CIA operatives out there doing all those things that would turn our stomachs. If we hadn't handcuffed them and slashed their funding as much as we did in the past, we would have a hell of a lot better intelligence about the Middle East. You may not like what they do, but they are the ones best suited to uncover true intelligence in the type of world we are living in right now.

PM - Lack of trust has nothing to do w/ it. The Left has hated Bush from day one. The war is just the club they are using to beat him over the head. Remember, I used to be one of you guys and I remember that blind disgust for the "evil republicans" and the "rich". I remember latching onto whatever came my way as a reason to continue that hatred. Then, I saw the light. But, nothing has changed. This movement is the same old thing, but with a target that is just a bit more "hateable" than the average demon from the right.