So... He is bad for and for not flip-flopping... got it. Let us take a look at another scenario. The 17th UN Resolution is passed. Four months go by, and we have this large military because we made the mistake that the UN was actually SERIOUS this time. We now leave 135,000 troops in the middle east waiting for... what... the French, Russian and Germans to actually admit they make too much money from The old Iraq regime to ever support this effort ?

Can you imagine the cries were this to have occured... I know it is now considered Passe' to discuss the torture rooms under Hussein. I have talked to people who saw these rooms... (I have several family and friends in the military) ... And roughly 100,000 people per year were either raped, tortured, or killed.... We are about 16 months since the start of the war... Or about 133,000 people spared that. The calls for The current President's head for NOT stopping these atrocities would be quite loud. And yes, Had Al Gore been president, and being pummeled for believing what every other politician believed, I would be asking the same things.

Is it pretty ? No.

Does a lot of Europe support us ? No.

Should we govern according to Europe's desires ? Well, In 1946, 70% of the French said they were better off under Hitler than under freedom.

MD... You call it an erroneous course. I have tried to find this... Can you point out any Democratic Politicians that were saying "NO WMD's Exist" before January, 1, 2003 ?