IMO if the country is becoming more and more liberal it's in responsive to the conservative leadership in the White House. These guys wants less gov't - unless it's flag burning and gay marriage, then we need constitutional amendments. Conservatives are proponents of balanced budgets-oops what's the deficit at now. What do you need to balance a budget, in my household, less spending more income. Less spending isn't going to happen we're at war, yet Bush still pushes for the big tax cut. (To his credit he hasn't said "Read My Lips!) Cheney still collects a stipend from Halliburton-but if you question that you're labeled unpatriotic. War profiteering is IMO unpatriotic. Turbo you throw up Bush's argument of "nukular threat" , don't you think it will take a pretty catastrophic intelligence breakdown for a domestic nuclear threat? A dirty bomb is a scary thing, but radioactivity is not all that easy to contain and hide.

I know I'm capable of playing devils advocate and spouting the democratic party line, but you can't just spout Bushisms and Cheneyisms constantly and maintain credibility. These guys have been wrong in the past -way wrong. Bush is the scariest leader we've ever had. A fundamentalist fighting fundamentalists - not a good thing.

M22's, VP150, QS4's, HK 630, HSU VTF3-MKII