In case no one remembers, Vietnam is an issue no one wants to remember. Kerry made his service in Vietnam a central issue of his campaign to counter the traditional Republican attack on democrats as soft on national security issues.

I think Kerry's decision will cost him the election for the following reasons:

1. We lost 50,000 men in the South East Asian war - a war which divided this country and did permanent damage to the national psyche. Talking about Vietnam is as appealing as a bucket of piss.

2. Kerry held himself out as a war hero despite the fact that he knew there is a substantial and vocal group of vets who think Kerry overstated his valor. Bragging is bad enough, making false or inflated claims would be unforgiveable.

3. Kerry made public statements during the war, after his service - statements which disgraced the service of millions of people who served and who don't think of themselves as war-criminals.

4. Kerry's supporters denigrated Bush's service in the Air National Guard. More folks have served in the National Guard over the years than enlisted military. I think Kerry may have insulted a substantial group of voters who served in the National Guard. His political advisers should have advised him about this potential group of voters who never thought of themselves as an affinity group until Kerry's campaign insulted them.

Just some thoughts

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