PM - First of all, I'm not sure I'd equate the War on Terror w/ the Ware on Drugs. Kerry stepped into that pile this week by making comments about getting back to a time when terrorism was a "nuisance" issue like the War on Drugs and Prostitution....a time (pre-9/11) when this issue didn't consume our lives. I'm sure the families of those sailors on the Kohl and those marines killed in the embassy bombings loved hearing that Kerry viewed terrorism in those days as a "nuissance". Perhaps if Clinton hadn't viewed terrorism as a simple nuissance and did something significant about it, we might not be as far down this road as we are. Back to my original point....Drugs and terrorism are not the same animal, because one is something that we have decided to fight, but don't have to....the other is something that we must address/fight and cannot turn a blind eye to. Simply burrying our heads back in the sand is not going to stop this one.

As far as you arguments about the US going down the road to facism, I have to agree w/ 2X6 in that it appears that you are stretching things a bit to paint this picture. Yes, there are things wrong w/ both society and this administration, but drawing parallels with facist states is a bit extreme.

Within your arguments, you make the point that the administration continues to "fan the flames" of fear and push it's agenda of war. Statements like these are exactly why we will never see eye to eye w/ liberals on these issues. What exactly is it going to take for you guys to recognize that we are truly at war. The devistation of 9/11 doesn't seem to have stayed fresh in your minds. Is it going to take a nuclear blast in one of our cities...the vaporizing of millions of our make you guys realize that the war is on and there's nothing we can do to talk our way out of it. Our citizens should be scared....very scared. I listen to Kerry speak and I am scared.....scared because he doesn't get it either. Perhaps the war on terrorism isn't winnable in the traditional sense, but I sleep better knowing that our soldiers or CIA agents are doing whatever they can to put bullets in the heads of all those out there dreaming up these atrocities to be unleashed on the US people. I sleep better knowing that we have a President right now that gets this and will not abandon us because the political winds don't happen to be waving in support of his actions. I sleep well right now with a President that is as pissed off as I am about these parasites out there trying to end my child's life because she lives in a country that doesn't want to oppress her and perhaps stone her for talking back to her husband.

I really want to understand what's inside your head on this issue. I truly want to understand what level of disaster it will take for you to truly appreciate the war that we are in. I want to understand exactly how hard we have to be hit for you to finally say it's time to go out and kick everyone's a$$ that's involved in matter how they are involved. Many of us are already there after 9/11. I'm curious what it's going to take for you to get there.