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The problem that quickly became apparent is that the leading members of the UN (France, Germany, & Russia) are acting in their own interests and not fulfilling their responsibilities to the UN.

That is EXACTLY why the U.N. is completely irrelavant. EVERY nation, including the U.S. has its own intentions at heart. Nothing GW could have done would have changed the outcome. Even France reconzied Iraq had these weapons but choose to do nothing because it suited them best.

Furthermore I believe better than half of the members in the U.N. are representing dictatorships. Not many of those are ever going to look fondly apon U.S. interests.

Further furthermore, why should we care/respect these countrys that don't allow their citizans even the most basic rights. Sure its not practical to overthrow all those opressive governments, but the U.S. shouldn't care very much what they think in an IRRELAVENT (and corrupt) U.N.

Just add this to the STACK of reason's why Kerry would make a terrible President (he wants to bow to the U.N. and rest of the world).