PM - Preventing a murderer from becoming one is not a proveable science. Sure, I wish we could do just that, prevent a murderer from becoming one.

Look at Iraq, the vast majority of the country wants the new government to succeed... and the terrorists are a small minority of ANY country. Why does 99 % of any county manage not to become homicidal ? They have a fringe that loves to kill. One major difference between them and us, their governments don't put a stop to it. Picture Timothy McVeigh and his ilk with our government not paying attention... they would be terrorists... (oops... they succeeded, and were terrorists... some people just plain HATE).

By the way, if anyone looked at the link to the new Iraqi constitution, you would see it calls for Islam to be the state religion... not exactly the language a US puppet would use.

It is a pretty good read... and a great start for the Iraqi people to live in freedom.