i agree with jorge, it was a draw.. they both repeated the same things we heard from dubya and kerry during last weeks debate. there was NO clear winner, and that was the general idea on most of the talk shows after the debate.

i did find it interesting how cheney side stepped the new announcements made by the #1 US administrator in iraq, paul bremer, that they never had the proper ground force needed, and the entire war scenario was never properly planned or thought out by the govt. and, i seemed awful funny that rumsfeld has a press conference yesterday and announces that he himself hasnt seen a direct link between sadaam hussein and the al quida. ? WHAT???

it seems to me that the republicans are starting to buckle under the stress of their decisions.. and some people are starting to try and cleanse themselves of bush's inability to EVER admit he made a mistake. i really think the republicans are scrambling, it if kerry puts the heat on bush again in the next debate, its gonna get worse.
