'SC sucks (just kidding, I hope my Bruins don't get embarassed ).

By mentioning Cuba, I was referring to how JFK left the freedom fighters hangin' at the Bay of Pigs. We have no obligation to protect everybody, but in general it probably is a good idea to stick to your commitments.

I talked about this before, but that was many pages ago: From the moment Bush announced our plans to invade Afghanistan, the nattering naybobs of negativism - in the gov't and the media - have been forecasting disaster for the US. Remember the talk about how Afghanistan was the Russians' Vietnam? Remember the dire predictions that the same fate would befall us? Why should we be able to succeed in a guerilla war in difficult terrain where the Russians could not? But the overwhelming victory there didn't shut them up for long.
Invade Iraq!? "That's no pushover like Afghanistan," they shouted, "Bush is really going to get us clobbered." While 1050 casualties is sad, it is far less than the numbers originally predicted by the-sky-is-falling groups. Iraq collapsed like a house of cards because it was an illegitimate regime. The folks that are "fighting" there - minus the Sunni Saddam loyalists - will eventually be killed or lose their int'l funding. The suicide bomber that blew up 35 Iraqi children should give us plenty of indication that their cause is illegitimate and will not last.
What policy could there be but continue?