It might be interesting to note that this group once tried to claim that Kerry's service records were doctored and that he never actually served in Vietnam.

I think it's a blatant political move involving a lot of lies. None of these guys served on the same boat as Kerry (here is some good info about the opinions of those who did serve under Kerry on his boat), and they all admit that on the day of the action that lead to Kerry receiving the Silver Star, they were at least 50 yards away from Kerry's boat. One of the guys who claimed to be the doctor who treated Kerry's wound later admitted that he wasn't a doctor at the time and only briefly saw the wounds, didn't treat them. One of Kerry's superiors later retracted his statement that Kerry didn't deserve the Silver Star. Actually, there is one guy who served with Kerry and doesn't like him, but draw your own conclusions.

Oh, and here's some lovely info on Jerome Corsi, the co-author of "Unfit for Command". Seems like an awfully level-headed and fair guy, doesn't he?