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Had anyone seen the movie Red Dawn (mid-80’s)? Please anyone enlighten me; why those kids are not terrorists?

Yes, I saw the movie. The story line was that the Cuban army with Soviet support defeated the US military, successfully invaded and occupied the United States. A group of high school kids armed themselves and fought against the invading Cubans and Soviets.

They did not go into nurseries and kill 21 infants, they did not strap explosives to themselves and blow up folks on busses, folks in Pizza parlors, or a group of people celebrating the passover meal. Now, the Palestinians may believe, and certainly the majority do believe, that the existence of the Jewish state in Israel is occupation of Arab land, and that such occupation requires, as a national and religious duty, Jihad, armed struggle, an armed struggle which refuses to distinguish between a civilian and soldier, and as to that, refuses to recognize Israel's borders.

In Red Dawn, the Cubans and Soviets invaded the US. That is not the situation between Israel and the Arab world. The UN voted for the partition of Palestine (at that time the term "Palestinian" referred to its Jewish inhabitants) that is the formation of a Jewish state and an Arab state out of the mandate territory.

The Arab world refused to recognize the legimacy of the Israeli Jewish state, and the armies of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria invaded Israel in 1948 immediately after the Jewish state announced its existence. The world expected a quick and final solution to the "Israeli" problem, that is, because of the arms embargoes, the fact that Israel lacked meaningful military equipment, the tanks and airplanes of the armies of the 5 Arab nations, no one thought Israel would survive. It did, and the armistice borders were larger than the UN mandate borders.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (a great friend of Hitler) and other Imams and Mullahs urged the Arab population to get out of Israel because the Arab armies were coming and none would be spared. The Israeli authorities urged the Arabs to stay. Many left. After the Arab armies failed in their mission, Israel franchised the Arabs who stayed as Israeli citizens, but did not permit the return of those who left. The Arab states did not welcome the Palestinian refugees, they maintained them in squalid camps, and educated them and their children that the Jews had stolen their land, that the Jews were the offspring of monkeys and pigs, and raised generation after generation of muJIHADin, people who were committed to violence to destroy the Jewish state and regain the land on which Israel now stood. The camps bred hatred and murder - teams of assasins crossed into Israel from 1948 until today for the purpose of killing Jews. There were wars in 1956, 1967 and 1973, Jordan and Egypt (along with Syria) attacked Israel and Israel prevailed and occupied the West Bank and Gaza. The West bank was never a Palestinian state. It had been part of Jordan which itself was part of the partition of Palestine. Gaza was not a Palestinian state, it was part of Egypt. Israel tried to trade land for peace. Egypt did not want Gaza and Jordan wouldn't take back the West Bank.

Israel would not negotiate with terrorists, or Arafat. The refusal of Egypt and Jordan to take back the areas in which the Palestinian refugee camps were located forced Israel to engage with the Palestinians.

Prior to 1973, Israel was 8.5 miles wide at its narrowest point. After the war Israel refused to go back to its former borders because they were essentially indefensible.

The US attempted many times to broker a deal. In Camp David Israel offered the Palestinians 97% of the land occupied by Israel as a result of the war. Arafat refused, the violent intifadah followed.

I take it this post is relevant to your question and you were not commenting that you merely thought Red Dawn was a cool movie.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.