I think this debate was won by the candidate with whom you most agree. I thought Bush did very well in defending himself and reminding voters of Kerry's long record vs his current tough talk.

It occurred to me after the debate, listening to the analysts and spin meisters talk out whether Bush was angry this time around, how absurd this is - not that voters would decide who to vote for based on the expression on the candidate's face as his opponent is speaking (more stupid than absurd) - but absurd in that we should expect Bush to NOT get mad when Kerry says the Iraq war is a mistake.
I know that if I were President and sent over a thousand of my soldiers off to die, and my opponent said I threw their lives away, I would get pissed. Who wouldn't? I would get even more pissed to hear him say that he would continue the war - a war that he thinks is a mistake and a waste of American lives and money. WTF?!
Kerry's position on the Iraq war is absurd. It is also insulting and offensive to the voters and the democratic process. He embodies precisely what is wrong with electoral politics in this country.