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Not only from the article I read and the stills from the beheading, but from the continued denial and apparent de-sensitization of people in our own country who cannot seem to realize how nasty that part of the world - and the people who inhabit it - are. It's sickening.

Beheading IS sickening. It's downright evil. People who commit such acts are barely deserving of the word human.

However -- you knew this was coming -- I urge you to focus your anger toward the perpetrators and not broaden it to include all the people who inhabit that part of the world.
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If I hear one more asinine comment about how peaceful Islam is, or how the resistance in Iraq are "freedom fighters", "patriots", or "just protecting their homeland", I'm going to puke.

Get your bucket ready. If you look at the balance of history, people who follow Islam, and not militant fundamentalists who put forth their own flavor of Islam, are peaceful.

The people behind the resistance in Iraq, the ones who are pulling the strings, are motivated more by POLITICS than religion. Islam is not the enemy.

I hate having to be the only voice of reason around here, especially since it makes me look like I don't care about American lives. I DO care about each American life lost. I just can't sit back and watch people foment rabid anti-Islamic hatred and say nothing to attempt to curb it.

As wise old Yoda once said, "Fear leads to Anger.  Anger leads to Hate.  Hate leads to suffering."