I am a geek, NOT a nerd... just want to be clear on that.

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inane- i sure hope that was a joke?? i still dont understand why this is SUCH a big deal?? why are we spending billions and billions of dollars to try and send spacecraft to photograph mars?? research, science, knowledge?? meanwhile, we got plenty of people dying right here on earth from diseases and plagues.. and we got plenty of people that cant walk from MD, and other possibly preventable defects. but somehow it makes more sense to keep wasting money to find a microscopic organism imbedded 6 inches in a chunk of mars rock??

i hope someone, someday, can make this extreme waste of time and money make sense?

It's pretty simple actually. Yes a small part of the reason to do this is one day earth will be even more overcrowded than it is today. But the far bigger reason for exploring is this:

Name all the different ways mankind has been able to gain substantial new technology from. Done? I'm willing to bet nothing on that list can compare to two things, war and exploration.

True we really haven't spent much time exploring the oceans but we are about done with the land on this planet. So many things you use each day come from one of those two things. Personally I'd rather see us put more effort into space than war to get the results we need. And please don't go say we don't need more technology. Just think back 10 years ago before the internet got huge. Common ppl are now not only able to exchange ideas with fellow countrymen, we do so with ppl across the seas.

Mankind is driven by one thing, to learn. If you're not moving forward, you are likely moving backwards.