Craig - Like BigWill, I have to agree that you make many good points. However, on this issue, I think that you are pretty far off base.

First of all, your original argument boils down to the standard conservative bible in one hand and dictionary on the other rhetoric. To really have this dialog, you have to toss the former out of the argument, because we are talking about legal rights, which are not subject to religious influence (supposedly). The latter, as you have said, only states what is appropriate for the times. I'm pretty sure that earlier dictionaries had racist and anti-semitic definitions, which have been pruned and/or modified over time as we have evolved. So, now that we have pruned out those two components of the argument, we are left with the law (ie government). After all, we are talking about rights to be upheld and protected by the rule of law and government. In this context, are you suggesting that this legal union in the eyes of the law (not the church) should be granted to one group and not another? Are you suggesting that it is ok for the US government to discriminate against segments of the society that it is sworn to protect?

In the end, you are using arguments that were used to oppress and discriminate against both women and blacks in the past. Should blacks be allowed to get married? costs us more if they do. Should women be allowed to work? dillutes the potential wealth for us men. Bigots and sexists throughout history have used these arguments to support their fight to oppress others. It's nothing but fear-based hatred and ignorance.

Will it cost us more if gays are allowed to get married?....potentially. SO WHAT!!! It's their right that has been denied for so long by all the religous quacks out there. Plus, this may be a stereotype, but I've found that gay men and women tend to make a good living for themselves, so I think they've put enough into the pot to deserve something back.

As to your abuse argument, I don't buy it. Think about what an utter pain in the a$$ it is to get a divorce in our society. We are talking about a legally binding commitment here.....a marriage/union. Regardless of what you call it, I don't think that the average person will step into the legal quagmire associated w/ marriage just to get some extra benefits.

This is not directed at Craig.....I have to say that I have never yet heard one sound argument against gay marriage, yet I think we have a long way to go before we break down that barrier. It's a sad reflection on our society.