Turbo... I will try this again, I AM NOT LOOKING AT MARRIAGE AS A RELIGIOUS INSTITUTION. I am not sure HOW many times I need to say this. Your statement of "No matter how much you want to make marriage a religious institution" shows contempt.

As for your examples, and where they are just plain WRONG..

1. Violence against others is illegal, period. marital status is irrelevent.
2. Child support ? Child support has NOTHING to do with marriage, period. You have to determine who the birth mother and father are. That is the ONLY criteria for determining support.
3. Responsibility of student loans ? Ok... You want the right to pay off someone else's loan ? You can do that now.
4. Social Security ? I covered that. What I suggest WILL give EVERYONE more money, gay OR straight.
5. Bankruptcy... Nope. Both parties can file for bankruptcy now. There is no law preventing that.
6. Welfare ? Nope... Both parties can apply today, and doing so separately will yield more money than would filing as a married couple.
7. Divorce and Alimony can be handled by an agreement between any two people. Just draw up a contract beofre moving in together.
8. Inheritance... I covered that, too. With elimination of inheritance taxes.
9. Political Candiacy ? You REALLY lost me there. Show me the bills where a gay man cannot run for office.