The cheapest private school close to us has a tuition of $17,000. The private schools here are academically rigorous and very successful. If need be we'll spend the money. Charter schools are popping up throughout our state, some successful, some not so great. Vouchers sound to me like the right answer, but in this state the idea of vouchers is like many other issues very polarizing. My wife and I have an admittedly idealistic view of public schools, feeling that if good people don't get involved, the schools won't get better. On the other hand, it bothers me to send my daughter, who at 5 already has some rudimentary reading and math skills, into a school where she may not get challenged academically as the teachers deal with issues like teaching English to a fraction of the class who need to learn English as a second language.

M22's, VP150, QS4's, HK 630, HSU VTF3-MKII