Loose association/generalizations-

that is the ONLY reason the economy gives the impression of being "on the upswing""

To prove that increased gov't spending regarding war costs is the only factor in the economic upswing would take many pages of argument - and would actually be impossible because it is simply not the only factor involved in the rebounding economy.

"economy always booms during war cause the republicans are padding their big business buddies pockets."

Most people seem to agree that wartime production increases result in a temporarily increased GNP, but the same effect could be achieved through investments in infrastructure or (gulp) increases in entitlement programs.
And I really, really believe that neither Bush nor any other high level elected official from either party would send American boys to their deaths to enrich their buddies. Profits could be increased for defense contractors by simply increasing military spending and stockpiling the stuff. No need to kill anybody.
Also, it's wrong to label the Republicans as the "war party". At other times the Democrats have been labeled the "war party" - Vietnam, WWII, etc...

"i dont see george w making the US the most hated country in the world, as a fair trade off to getting a low interest rate on my used truck loan."

We have been disliked for a long time. Many factors play into that. We have long been seen as culturally inferior to the European and Arab nations (in their eyes). Our success must make that even harder to bear.
Bush hasn't single handedly made us into the most hated country in the world, and I don't even think we are the most hated country in the world, but even if we are, who cares? Don't you guys all hate the Lakers and Yankees because they're always winning? Losers love to hate the winners.
And what in ternation does int'l opinion have to do with your truck loan?

"i am buying, so are a lot of us, but it still doesnt warrant an unjust war."

Not really a loose association, you're just implying that there is an increase in consumer confidence during a war. I've never heard that argued before.

I wasn't even going to post in this thread today, bigjohn!