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Spiffnme, if you were raising an adoptive son would you encourage him to be gay, straight or neither?

There's no encouraging needed. As you grow up you'll be attracted to men, women, or both. Did any of you here need encouraging to be attracted to girls or boys when you grew up? I really doubt it. Hormones are far to strong for that.

I would just be happy and excited that he was able to find someone he loved and who loved him back. It wouldn't matter in the least what sex his mate was.

A friend of mine who is a devout athiest, has a theory that homosexuality is part of evolution. His theory is that it's in the best interest of the group as a whole to have some members not procreate. As a primative species he feels that having the few extra "gay aunts and uncles" around could contribute to the group as a whole without the burden of rearing their own children. Just his theory. I'd never heard it before. But it does have it's merits.

I realize that will get the anti-gay adoption people thinking...but please realize, were not exactly living in caves and hunting our food with spears anymore either.