"Kerry has no choice but to continue the war. To pull out now would prove disastrous in Iraq. Bush got us into this mess, but quite frankly I don't trust him to get us out of it. And frankly putting more troops on the ground makes sense in speeding up the process of training Iraqis and hastening our exit."

The military is running the war in Iraq, not Bush. I think it's been a pretty stunning success, but I would hope that the commander-in-chief would pull us out of any war he thought was a "mistake". It would be more of a mistake to continue to fight such a war than to pullout. The entire Middle East is a breeding ground for terrorists, why not return Iraq to that fold if you feel the war is a mistake?

"Why change? Because, for one, we believe the current president and his administration have made a lot of very big mistakes in dealing with this war, and in turn have refused to acknowledge those mistakes or opposing opinions, even when coming from highly knowledgable people. The war on terror is legitimate. The war in Iraq was not, in the eyes of many Americans, the next logical step in the war on terror. The administration used bad information to send our men and women to die and that war has cost us $200 BILLION."

It is clear you think the war was a mistake, but what "very big mistakes" has the administration made? They have control of most of the country, the gov't, the oil fields, etc...? The Iraqi people are enlisting en masse in the new armed forces to regain sovereignty. What experts have more credibility than the experts prosecuting the war? Certainly not Clark (he's a politician!) or Bremer (he's a civilian!).

Once again, if the real reason to prefer Kerry over Bush is on domestic issues, then that should be the subject of debate, and the subject of Kerry's campaign.

F***ing kids are here - gotta go.