BigWill, Nice post. Kerry, like many in the populace, questions Bush's actions in Iraq. That IMO is legit-Saddam posed no "imminent threat" to the US. We went in ill-prepared and lacking the troop numbers to get the job done. That seems like a "colossal error" as does flying to an carrier ship and proclaiming victory. Granted hind sight is 20/20. We're in this Iraq mess for the long haul, Kerry or Bush. The liberation of Iraq from the terror of Saddam is something that needed to be done, but has it done anything to improve our Homeland Security. bin Laden continues to operate in some measure. I don't know if we would have got him if we would have stayed out of Iraq (at least for a while) and continued our focus on al Quaida, but it couldn't have hurt our chances. Kerry supported going into Afghanistan how could he not? The rest of the world supported the U.S. going into Afghanistan post 9/11. Bush squandered that support and the good will of the world directed to the U.S. after 9/11 by his rush to Iraq.

I appreciate your perspective and the responses of the more conservative posts in this forum. I take a lot of this home to my ever loving wife who sits on our state's Democratic party's central committee. After dinner conversation is often pretty interesting thanks to the views presented here.

M22's, VP150, QS4's, HK 630, HSU VTF3-MKII