Spiff-you hit the big bullets for an anti-Bush vote on the head. This administration doesn't understand that we can't achieve any sustainable peace with aggression.

The idea that this is a religous issue is ludicrous. These terrorists have as much to do with Islam as Bose does with good sound. I'm privileged to have a number of Muslims in my circle of friends. They were horrified with 9/11 and watch what goes on around the world "in the name of Islam" with dismay. They don't evangelize, put down women, or perform clitorectomies on their daughters. The idea that Islam is America's enemy is held by too many people in this country. This isn't a religous fight. We need to be extremely careful not to portray these terrorists as being the face of Islam. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Republican party has historically called for "less" government. Their platform, however, supports legislation against gay marriage and abortion. Basically legislating their version of morality. I've watched the Governor of our state and our state Senate do the same thing in Minnesota. They spent many days of the 2004 session arguing the gay marriage issue and at the end of the session had failed to pass a single meaningful piece of legislation. Health care, transportation, and even security issues got bypassed as these jokers tried to deny a group of American citizens equal rights and protection. That's the direction I see the conservative right wing of the Republican party leading us.

A challenge to you conservatives-give me 3 good reasons to vote for Bush and Cheney with anti-terrorism efforts excluded. Besides the security issues-what has this administration done to positively affect middle America. Has anyone in this forum seen a significant increase in their paychecks from the tax cut? Has anyone seen any improvement in anything other than the perception that we're somehow safer? I'm not saying that Kerry or anyone else can do better, I just don't understand all the support I'm hearing here for Bush. Those of you ridiculing Kerry's Senate record are right, he's weak. Please point out some strong points in Bush's record (other than he's tough on terror). He was a questionable businessman (check out his files with the Securities and Exchange Commission), pretty weak Governor, and certainly received no mandate with the 2000 electorate. If it wasn't for the Reagan/Bush era Supreme Court appointees, his road to the Oval Office would have been a bit tougher.

Just a hypothetical-what do the conservatives out there think will happen to this country if Bush isn't elected. Do you really think we'd see any major changes? Would a Kerry election really lead to Jihadic victory around the world? Bush can't decide if the war on terror can be won anyway, Monday it wasn't winnable, Tuesday it was. Flippity Flop indeed. I need a day off to listen to my Axioms.

M22's, VP150, QS4's, HK 630, HSU VTF3-MKII