Adam ... The liberal view of the constitution is that it is "A living, breathing document. We must not look at the words in it, but at the intentions behind those words, and it is open for debate and opinion" ... Thus it is open to opinion, or an opinion piece.

That quote is from Hillary Clinton, and echoed loudly across the "left" in this country.

Too bad you are "out of here", it would be interesting to get some specifics as to why you think Hillary's saying the constitution is open to opinion and my pointing this out is an insult.

This would be like me getting upset with you for saying "As a conservative, you obviously support the death penalty".

The two items she was referring to, by the way, were Roe v. Wade and Separation of church and state.

You will not find abortion as a constitutional right, nor does the constitution state the school prayer is illegal.

Abortion rights were granted under the privacy clause.

And the constitution states the "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of a religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

Somehow THAT got twisted so a teacher is forbidden to say a prayer in school.

HER justification, again, was that the constitution is open to "opinion" in these matters.