2X6, I don't think you get much argument from anyone that Saddam had to go. My problem with the war is that huge missteps and mistakes have been made. For example,against the advice of his military advisors, the Iraqi Army was abolished, now viewed by many (Bremer, Franks, et al) as a crucial error. Do you really view the war effort as succeeding or even advancing? We're occupying Iraq and struggling to hold our own.

We can't rid the world of all the "bad guys" like Saddam alone. If our foreign policy is going to be one of preemptive strikes-get ready for the draft. North Korea, Iran, name your "evil_doer", how do we cover them all? Bush should have got the job done in Afghanistan-got bin Laden and then moved on. His idea that Saddam was an "imminent threat" has been proved wrong-we're in Iraq because Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Rice thought it would be another short military exercise of shock and awe. Destroy a country from 20,000 feet then go in and mop up. Now we occupy a country without the troop numbers to adequately do the job. Bush's shortcomings as a commander in chief are apparent - whether it's Kerry or Bush, Bush has put us in a no-win position.

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