"Sure the Democrats are using the war as a political tool, but if you're sickened at them you should be far more sickened at the extent to which the Republicans are using the war as a political tool."

If Bush had re-election at the forefront of his mind, the Iraq war would never have happened. He could have guaranteed himself 4 more years by coasting in on the laurels of his 9-11 performance and the triumph in Afghanistan. In politics it is abundantly clear that doing what you think is right is much more difficult than doing what is in your own selfish interest.

This election should have been decided after the first debate - when Kerry trotted out his anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-US, "but I'll hunt the terrorists and wage the Iraq war even better" diatribe. Still an inside joke apparently.

We've sunk so low that siding with the enemy, thereby jeopardizing the lives of our troops, is "fair game". If it furthers your political agenda then it's a-ok. "Some of these Supreme Court Justices are going to be dropping dead, so do what you gotta do boys", eh?

I don't blame Kerry and his advisors so much as I blame the media and the dopey public. Kerry's attacks in the first debate should have been political suicide, but the media called it a brilliant performance, inexplicably the people were not offended, and here we are.

We aren't disagreeing about play calling in a football game, bigjohn. We're disagreeing about what it means to be an American.

Kerry, in his little tough guy speech today in front of his airplane, said, "...AS AN AMERICAN (I want to hunt down Osama and the other terrorists and kill them)." Tell me - what perspectives, other than that of "as an American", do we want our President to have? He might as well have said, "As an American, I want to kill our enemies... but as a pansy-ass liberal pussy I really want to indulge in some national self-loathing, question what we have done in the past to bring this on ourselves, seek sympathy from the rest of the effete Western world, apologize for our crass and uncultured anti-intellectual populace, and - above all - calculate how this can be used to further my do-nothing political career."