What about the Telegraph, is it a sham, too?

Another take

Folks, what happened here is this: Military helicopters fired on a crowd of people congregating around a bombed out Bradley vehicle. The vehicle was bombed at least an hour before the Apache fired on the crowd. The pilots say they fired because they were fired upon by small arms. If this is the case, then they were justified under the rules of engagement to return fire. The video does not show any evidence of gunfire, however. The official military story is that they were firing to destroy the Bradley vehicle in order to keep people from looting it.

Yes, this occurred in a part of Baghdad known to house insurgents. Not EVERYONE who lives there is a rebel. Many of the people injured in the blast were passing by on their way about their business. Many of them waited until they thought it was safe. Imagine you are an Iraqi citizen living in that area, wanting nothing to do with the rebels. I'm sure the majority of people in Iraq are trying to be as inconspicuous as possible. And yet they still die needlessly.