wow...I'm away for a day or so and the whole "gay marriage" issue comes to a head. I'm going to respond to a bunch of things all at once. I hope it doesn't get too confusing...

Nearly every excuse I've heard against gay has been used before against interracial marriage. Here's a good article I found. Give it a read.

Are you not "forced" to pay for your straight employees spouces insurance now? Why not eliminate all your workers benefits right now? Or is having to pay for a gay man's partners insurance the straw that breaks the camel's back?

Basing your arguement against equal marriage benefits on not wanting to pay is pretty darn greedy. You're all for equal rights, so long as it doesn't cost you anything?

If God has a plan for us all...and has made each and every one of us...isn't it His doing that approx. 5% of the world's population is gay? Who are you to question it?

Populating the world is not an issue. You guys and gals do a great job of making babies. In do it too well! The world's population is growing out of control!

If having sex with the one you love is "wrong", then I don't want to be right.

Can I tell you how offensive "Who wants to marry a Millionaire" is? Or the loads of other "marriage" game shows are?'s good to see all the support for equality around here. We may differ on a lot of issues, but equality seems to be one that most of us can agree on.