I see... So that is your defense to take two day's worth of conversation and try to discredit it with one paragraph. That is pretty lame... ... SPiff... You know FULL well from reading everything I wrote that MY solution is to take the government control out of everyone's life.

Had the Government not co-opted marriage from religion in the first place, Gay marriage would not be an issue. As an avowed Athiest, you should appreciate that concept. Government uses marriage as another way of leveraging power over people.

Gay Unions (actually... ANY secular union) should be a private affair. If government enacted the four points I posted, any two, or five, or 22 people could live together anyway they thought was desirable with no penalties from the government for not conforming to some role they deem fit.

By the way, Anyone who does NOT think that the laws being proposed would NOT lead to abuse is either lying or naive. And Spiff, if YOU LOOK at what I said, it would NOT be the gay community that would abuse these laws... I was VERY clear about that. I personally know 8 guys and 4 girls who have ALL said they would use just such a loophole... They are all divorced, love to just have fun, and never want to marry again... Would they actually go through with it ? I don't know... but they sure love yapping about it....

Again... give ME freedom... not more laws.