My opinion on the gay couples having children isn't completely formed yet. There are lots of people who in my opinion shouldn't have children, including teenagers, single women, and those that can't afford them. It seems that our creator (whoever or whatever that is...I don't believe in any commonly accepted concept of "God") designed us so that male and female individuals are required to produce a child for a reason. That reason is that male and female role models are necessary, or at least desirable, for proper child development. That said, I really do not have a problem with gay couples adopting children, because I have to believe that, although a two parent household with male and female role models is optimal, that two loving same sex parents are preferable to foster care or a single parent household.

On the other hand, lesbian couples conceiving with a turkey baster and some sperm (and couldn't Melissa Ethridge found a better donor than a short, fat, bald drug addict?) just doesn't feel right to me, but I can't say why. Maybe it's because there are so many two-sex couples who desparately want children, but can't have them.


"Shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff"