I never thought Saddam had anything to do with 9/11. I'm fine with the destruction of his Nazi totalitarian police state. I think you may have missed my points, Jorge.

The games Saddam Hussein played with the UN inspectors in conjunction with the FACT that his regime repeatedly used weapons of mass destruction on the battlefield and against civilians led to the evaluation of the risk that he had such weapons. The results of that analysis necessarily changed after 9/11. Hussein's Ba'athist Nazi regime could not be permitted to persist when the probability that he had such weapons was so high, and in light of the imminent failure of the sanctions regime. Hussein + enormous oil revenues + a history of development, possession and use of WMD resulted in the proper decision to remove his regime.

Europe has now made its peace with the remaining Ba'athist Nazi state, Syria, and have endorsed the development of WMD by Syria so long as Syria agrees not to proliferate. Europe's request is made within months of the use by Syria of WMD in Sudan. Except for England and Italy, our traditional NATO allies are no longer our allies. This is not a failure on Bush's part, it is a failure of policy and strategic decision making by the European community.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.